"If you were drowning and a hand reached out to save you, would it matter if that hand were of a different political ideology? A different race? A different religion? A different sexual orientation? I would venture to say the answer to all is no; however, if you responded in the affirmative, respectfully understand you too are part of the problem. We need to unite and become one party, the American Party, and place the needs of the masses before the needs of a few; the needs of America before the needs of our foreign brothers and sisters. We can prosper more through peace and unity than through war and divide. This will allow us to achieve a full and productive life, free from the fear of governmental or foreign intrusions upon our liberty, and freedom to pursue the happiness our Founding Fathers declared was our inalienable right, endowed by our creator."
There is an old and established idiom, “you can't teach an old dog new tricks.” The meaning is that it is often difficult to get people to try new ways of doing things, adopting new beliefs, and abandoning their prejudices, especially if they have been doing something in a particular way for a long time. In contrast, there are documented examples of lions, tigers, or bear cubs being raised in a domestic environment, side-by-side humans and their domesticated pets. These born killers were taught from the early age how to interact with humans and other domesticated animals and for all practical purposes are just another member of the family in which they were raised.
Accordingly, if we choose to live in a world free from undeserved prejudices, hatred, and contempt for another because they are different then us in some way, we must begin to teach our children at an early age how to interact with others within a civilized society and in accordance with what is morally and legally correct and proper. We must teach our children at an early age that violence, especially gun violence, is unacceptable in a civilized society to resolve a disagreement or an internal and perhaps an emotional problem within themselves. This must be taught to our children during their first 13 years of formal education and reinforced in the home by example, instruction and guidance.
Today, the U.S. ranks 17th in educational performance. According to the report, The Learning Curve, developed by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the United States ranks seventeenth out of forty countries ranked in overall educational performance. Our children are graduating elementary, middle, and high school primarily based upon “attendance” rather than performance. I believe this is an injustice not only to our children, but to our society and our nation as a whole. Our children need to be educated, and educated well so they can someday be the leaders other people, other nations turn to for help. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
Longer school days. Starting with kindergarten at age 5, the school day begins at 7AM and concludes at 6PM. This will allow for working parents to put in a full day’s work without the worry or need for daycare.
Nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snacks provided. It is difficult for a hungry child to learn. If the parents have the means to pay, they will be charged; if not the governments, city, county, state, and federal will share the cost, not only for the food, but for the entire educational process.
Licensed child psychologist in every school. This psychologist will administer written or oral questions to help determine if a particular child is free from physical and sexual abuse, or at risk for something abnormal within that child’s home and social environment. Finally, catch early learning disabilities and or emotional, psychological, or mental problems.
Learning the four fundamentals. The school will concentrate on the four learning fundamentals, reading, writing, arithmetic and algorithm. These four learning fundamentals must be demonstrated by standardized testing of 70% or better in order to be advanced to the next grade.
Other learning requirements. To include but not limited to U.S. History, World History, the Sciences, Sociology, Economics, Civics, Computer Skills, and Physical Fitness. All courses will be tailored to the appropriate age of the child with each successive year of education building upon what was previously learned.
Licensed child psychologist in every school. This psychologist will administer written or oral questions to help determine if a particular child is free from physical and sexual abuse, or at risk for something abnormal within that child’s home and social environment. Finally, catch early or later developed learning disabilities and or emotional, psychological, or mental problems.
Learning the four fundamentals. The school will concentrate on the four learning fundamentals, reading, writing, arithmetic and algorithm. These four learning fundamentals must be demonstrated by standardized testing of 70% or better in order to be advanced to the next grade.
Other learning requirements. To include but not limited to U.S. History, World History, the Sciences, Sociology, Economics, Civics, Computer Skills, the Arts and Physical Fitness. All courses will be tailored to the appropriate age of the child with each successive year of education building upon what was previously learned.
Pre-college courses to help determine if the student is capable of successfully completing the college curriculum. Trade courses to help the student not a candidate for college to determine what trade best suits their talents and abilities. Most trade professionals earns as much as college educated individuals.
Student must have completed high school with a minimum of a “ C “ average to qualify for government subsidized education.
Licensed child psychologist in every school. This psychologist will administer written or oral questions to help determine if a particular child is free from physical and sexual abuse, or at risk for something abnormal within that child’s home and social environment. Finally, catch early or later developed learning disabilities and or emotional, psychological, or mental problems.
Stop the “Student Loan Programs” as we know them today. Most of the student loans go unpaid and the colleges use the Federal Government as their personal “piggy bank.”
Provide the first two years of college at the state and federal government’s expense so long as the student graduated High School with a minimum of a “ C “ average and maintains that “ C” average throughout the two year college curriculum. Allow for one semester repeat in the event any semester average falls below a “ C.”
Provide the second two years of college at the state and federal government’s expense so long as the student graduated Junior College with a minimum of a “ C “ average and maintains that “ C” average throughout their next two year college curriculum. Allow for one semester repeat in the event any semester average falls below a “ C.”
Student must have completed high school with a minimum of a “ D “ average to qualify for government subsidized training.
In lieu of college, an individual may attend one trade school at the state and federal government’s expense. The student must continue to demonstrate their ability to continue on to the next level of learning within the program with a grade of “ C “ or above. Allow for one level of training to be repeated in the event any level of training falls below a “ C.”
Ensure the United States Constitution and all federal law made in pursuance thereof remains the supreme law of the land. For example, the United States Constitution, Article VI reads in part, “…This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution…”
Today, Article VI of the United States Constitution is intentionally being ignored by our President, our Federal and State Congresses and Federal and State judges. Case in point marijuana. Although 18 states have legalized the medical use of marijuana, federal law does not recognize or protect medicinal marijuana possession or use; and the federal government can prosecute people who are otherwise protected under state medicinal marijuana laws. Accordingly, those state laws violate federal law. Why is this happening….votes, money and corruption, I would guess.
In Michigan, where recreational cannabis will be taxed at 10%. The state has estimated it will generate $737.9 million in additional tax revenue in the first four years after legalization. I wonder how many Michigan legislators have a financial interest in medical and recreational marijuana growing and distribution facilities. The simple fact is the federal government gets nothing in taxation because marijuana is a violation of federal law. There are three legal options, (1) amend the U.S. Constitution; (2) change federal law; or (3) enforce federal law and treat the states as a “criminal enterprise” under the 1970, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Until now, no Politician or Political Candidate has had the intestinal fortitude to bring this matter into the public light. In a civilized society you cannot have law and order and equal justice under the law, if the law is only applicable to some and not others. This promotes chaos.
Furthermore, today we have some federal judges second guessing the President of the United States on how he is exercising the powers granted him under the United States Constitution and federal law. They are issuing court orders stopping him from exercising his constitutional and statutory authority, all to the detriment of “ we the people.” This, like the issue of states blatantly violating federal law must stop now, now, now, for the sake of our Republic.
Finally, in 1803, Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court decided to create new law. The Court gave itself the authority to make new law – an authority not authorized by the Constitution, Statutory Law, and conflicts with the founding father’s principle for the foundation of our government – the separation of powers. Judges making law is known as judicial activism and must too be stopped. Judges have given themselves absolute immunity from civil suits for their intentional, corrupt and malicious “official” acts, which is arrogant and reeks of royal authority, the likes of which we declared our independence from in 1776. Furthermore, this court made law violates the plain language of the 7th amendment of the United States Constitution, carving out a special exemption for judges, and the 14th amendment, “equal protection of the laws.” To this day no member of the U.S. Congress has attempted to right this wrong and reign in the judges through statutory authority, creating new law to ensure all judges rule in accordance with the plain language and meaning of the written laws, avoiding their own personal and political beliefs or opinions, or their own biases and prejudices. In the unlikely event the law is unclear, they should order Congress to amend that law, clarifying all ambiguous wording and or passages. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
The time is ripe for a second Constitutional Convention. Although our Constitution is not perfect, when combined with the knowledge obtained from 231 years of litigation, it serves as the best available blueprint we have to start new. A new Constitution need not be massive in text and pages, but must be clear on its intent, contain a definition section if appropriate, and be unambiguous in all its content. It shall delineate what each branch of the government can do, their enumerated powers; however, more importantly, it must delineate what each branch of the government cannot do, what is expressly forbidden. It must delineate all unalienable rights (incapable of being repudiated), and privileges (a right capable of being repudiated) and to whom they apply. Finally, it must delineate what is applicable to the States.
There must be term limits on members of Congress and the Judiciary of no more than eight years to prevent the accumulation of power, influence and corruption. There must be prohibitions from using their office for financial gain for themselves, or for any other person or entity on their behalf. As much as possible, money must be removed from our elections and the political system.
Because the President of the United States is elected based upon his declared agenda, Congress should work as one to make laws that allow for that declared agenda to become implemented. The Supreme Court should review those laws to ensure constitutional compliance as well as compliance with existing laws, before the Bill is presented to the President for approval, not after in the course of litigation.
Total and complete enforcement of Constitutional and Federal Statutory law. It the law is unpopular with the States, those State legislators can attempt to have it abolished. Under no circumstances should the States be allowed to pass a law that is in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution or Federal Statutory law.
Reign in the judges through statutory authority, creating new law to ensure all judges, even the Supreme Court Justices, rule in accordance with the plain language and meaning of the written law, avoiding their own personal and political beliefs or opinions, or their own biases and prejudices. In the unlikely event the law is unclear, they should order Congress to amend that law, clarifying all ambiguous wording and or passages.
Prohibit “court-made law,” as it is an antiquated doctrine used when there was no written law to cover the issues before the court, dating as far back as 1066 in England. Keep other aspects of “common law” to include stare decisis (case precedent); however, once decided by a Federal or State Appellate Court, stare decisis must be applicable across the entire United States and its Territories, or the entire State, rather than regional as it exists now. Once stare decisis is established only the Supreme Court of the United States or Highest Court within a State may be allowed to break and redirect the decisions of the lower courts, thereby creating new common law or new stare decisis.
Today’s criminal justice system’s rules are three tiered, one set of rules for the wealthy or politically powerful, one set of rules for the middle class individual, and another set of rules for the indigent and minorities. Granted, the law applicable to all three levels of individuals is the same; it is the manner in which these laws are applied, or not applied to certain individuals based on their net worth, their power within a given community, or their race that is problematic and unfair.
It is not fair of the president of a bank to receive probation for embezzling a million dollars and an unemployed, single mother of six children to get sentenced to 3 months in county jail for shoplifting fifty dollars’ worth of food to feed her children, and then those children become wards of the state at our expense. It is not fair for a 19 year old Harvard student to get probation for possession of marijuana and a 19 year old student from Harlem to get sentenced to 3 years for possession of the same amount of marijuana. Basically, it is unfair for any individual to be incarcerated for a non-violent crime, with the exception of exploitation or sexual abuse of a minor child, fraud committed against the elderly, or animal abuse when there are so many other options available.
Finally, for-profit, privately owned prisons or correctional facilities must be abolished, as they promote the need for massive incarceration and the associated corruption. See the "kids for cash" scandal which centered on judicial kickbacks to two judges at the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. In 2008, judges Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella were accused of accepting money in return for imposing harsh adjudications on juveniles to increase occupancy at for-profit detention centers. Although these two judges did finally suffer criminal sanctions, they were personally exempt from civil liability due to the unconstitutional court-made law, the doctrine of absolute judicial immunity, a doctrine no federal or state legislator has dared to challenge. Abolishing this doctrine will be one of my priorities if elected to Congress and currently as a pro se litigant I am attempting to have it overturned on constitutional grounds; however, as a sole individual I seriously doubt any judge will abolish a doctrine that they themselves may invoke someday. As a Congressman, I can write a new law to abolish it, whether that new law is passed will depend on the support of the general public. The current cost of incarcerating one individual may be as high as $60,000.00 per year. That equates daily to $71.46 on the low end and $164.38 on the high end. This is a needless expense for the taxpayers to absorb for the punishment of non-violent individuals, or individuals who committed a victimless crime. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
Abolish all for-profit privately owned prisons or correctional facilities.
Release as many as possible, if not all, inmates convicted of non-violent crimes, with the noted three exceptions, if they have no history of violence (other than in self-defense) while they were incarcerated.
If practical, move or build new detentions centers on land capable of being farmed with crops, eggs and livestock, for use in that prison to minimize the cost to the taxpayer and provide the inmates a marketable skill upon release.
If practical, for prisons built on other than open, rural land, incorporate some type of manufacturing to be worked by the inmates. They can manufacture items like office furniture, that can be supplied to governmental entities instead of buying same on the open market. They can print government publications. The list is almost endless. This too will lower the State or Federal governments overall expense and help subsidize the correctional facilities. It will also provide the inmates a marketable skill upon release.
Sentencing for non-violent or victimless crimes, with the noted three exceptions, rather than incarceration, impose fines. To satisfy these fines, if necessary seize the criminals personal property and all tangible assets in which they have equity. However, no personal property or asset may be seized during the appeal process, but during that process a bond equivalent to the fine must be posted.
For crimes committed by entities, or officers of that entity, impose a fine against the entity and against the individual officers and if necessary to satisfy that fine, seize a percentage of that entities profits, and the officers annual salary to satisfy the amount of the fine.
Sentencing may also involve community service. The criminal can be sentenced to do county or state work, when not working their regular job, or full time if unemployed. This will give the governmental entity more man-power to repair the roads, maintain the parks, clean the sewers, etc., without the added expense of increased payroll.
Upon release from any correctional facility for a non-violent crime, with the noted three exceptions, restrict that individual’s record from public access (citing no record exists) and not require that individual to answer in the affirmative that they have been incarcerated on any type of application, with the exception of individuals convicted of theft, fraud, or embezzlement, when applying for a job with a financial institution or any other type of job where they have access to money either personally or by electronic means.
Allow sections of the correctional facility that are vacant to be used for emergency shelters for displaced citizens of the United States, such as victims of a natural disasters, and the homeless, giving priority to minor children and then homeless veterans; however, such accommodations to include meals and on-site medical treatment must be temporary in nature, the length determined by the director of each facility.
Application of the death penalty. In the event an individual is sentenced to death, on the scheduled day of the execution, when all reprieves have been exhausted, while in their cell, the prisoner will be completely sedated either by means of an injection (if they allow it) or my means of a dart fired by an air gun (if they refuse the injection). Once completely sedated they will be transported to a medical facility and given a lethal injection as prescribed by law. This is the most humane way I can think of to take a human life; it would be the way I would want to die if I were sentenced to death.
Allow for an individual convicted of any crime by means of a plea, bench trial or a jury verdict to bring forward evidence at a hearing in a court of competent jurisdiction, at any time after that conviction, that may prove by clear and convincing evidence the convicted individual is actually innocent of that crime, or there was prosecutorial misconduct, or there was judicial misconduct or reversible error committed by the court, and if any of these three criteria is proven by clear and convincing evidence, that conviction shall be declared null and void and the record expunged. In order to obtain the relief cited herein, the individual must not be deceased. Other than for prosecutorial or judicial misconduct, the convicted individual shall have no cause of action against the governmental entity.
In today’s society the individuals with the least are charged the most when it comes to borrowing money. They are charged a fee just to acquire the credit or credit card, then an annual fee to keep it. In many cases there is no actual credit extended, they can only use the money they have deposited into the account. Some institutions charge high late fees, and no matter when the payment is mailed it seems to always be processed after the due date. Then there are payday loan companies, the interest they charge is astronomical. These institutions need to be abolished or reigned in. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
Prohibit charging for the mere privilege of having a credit card, or a “credit card” or a debit card that allows you to spend only the money you deposit into the account.
No institution that provides credit cards, to include “credit cards” or debit cards that allow you to spend only the money you have deposited, or extend a line of credit less than $350.00 shall charge an APR that exceeds 24 % or have an annual fee of more than $39.00.
No payday loan institution shall charge an APR that exceeds 24% APR or have a onetime application fee of more than $39.00.
All institutions that lend money, in any form, or extend credit in any form must disclose the actual annual percentage rate (AAPR) an individual is required to pay and that AAPR must include all cost to initially acquire that credit such as application fees, annual fees, monthly late charges, and any other legally authorized charge.
All payments are considered received and posted the date of the postmark if paid via U.S. Mail or if paid electronically, the day and time of the electronic transaction.
Today, there are far too many domesticated animals euthanized for lack of a good home. Domesticated animals used by these puppy mills and like facilities will spend the majority of their life, if not their entire life in a wire cage exposed to the elements. They often live their lives immersed in their own urine and feces, injured, sick and are provided the minimum amount of food and water to sustain their lives. They do not know human companionship other than being mistreated by humans. Most have no companionship other than their litters and their litters are taken from them at six weeks. They will be forced to breed again. These puppy mills need to be abolished as does profiting from the birth of domesticated animals. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
Abolish puppy mills and other facilities that profit from the birth of a domesticated animal.
A domesticated animal, if sold, shall be sold for no more than the actual cost to maintain that animal to the time of sale. Such cost shall include only food, medicines, medical devices and medical care.
No entity or individual shall allow their domesticated pets to have more than a combined total of three litters in any calendar year. For the purpose of this section a family is considered one entity.
No domesticated animal shall be confined to a locked cage for a period grater that 8 hours within a 24 hour period. Any domesticated animal confined to a room or a specific area for a period of time greater than 8 hours within a 24 hour period, that room or area must be at least 12 square feet for each domesticated animal contained therein, and allow for those animals to stand, walk, and lie down comfortably.
No domesticated animal may be chained, tied, or otherwise confined to a specific outdoor area when the local outside temperature falls below 45 degrees Fahrenheit or rises above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. There must be an adequate supply of water immediately available to the domesticated animal at all times whether than animal is indoors or outdoors.
Failure to provide an adequate amount of water, food, or medical care for one’s domesticated animals will constitute animal cruelty subject to the local government’s laws addressing said cruelty. Any person convicted of domesticated animal cruelty shall be prohibited from owning or possessing any domesticated animal thereafter.
Political correctness is just a form of censorship and violates an individual’s rights under the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution. Granted, there are still some limitations like shouting fire in a crowded theater that should be prohibited in the interest of community welfare, but as a whole one should be allowed to speak their mind, using whatever words they deem necessary to prove their point. Furthermore, political correctness masks the true feelings, beliefs, personality and identity of the individual making it impossible to know the true person. I would rather be able to judge and form an opinion of an individual based on their true character, instead of a false front they may portray in the interest of being “deemed politically correct.” Censorship of one’s views and opinions must not be allowed on social media platforms “free to the public.” One must be allowed to voice their views and opinions and the operator of the platform shall not restrict or limit public access in any manner. However, all postings must disclose the true identity of the individual or entity submitting the post, and that true identity verified by the platform operator, prior to the post’s release and publication for public view.
Today we have members of ANTIFA, as well as other organizations concealing their identity, committing acts of vandalism, acts of assault and battery upon individuals, and spreading terror. I would write a law making it a federal misdemeanor crime to conceal one’s face or identity in public and a federal felony if an act of vandalism or violence is committed while concealing one’s face or identity in public. This section is not applicable to individuals required to wear a medical mask for medical reasons, provided that medical mask is the only material or device used to conceal that individual’s face or identity. Furthermore, it shall not pertain to individuals engaged in authorized public celebrations of an event such as Halloween, Mardi Gras, Fantasy Fest, etc., unless while wearing a costume or disguise that tends to conceal one’s identity, they commit an act of violence or vandalism.
Our society and our religions teach us that giving to charity and coming to the aid of others is a noble, humbling and awarding experience. However, any good and caring head of the family will ensure they provide for their own family before providing for others. This is sound common sense and basic survival instinct.
The Federal Congress recently passed a Bill and the President signed it for a whopping 4.6 billion dollars to house and care for the recent invasion of illegal immigrants. Although I feel for the immigrants plight, they do have the option to legally enter the United States. Entering the United States illegally is a federal criminal offense and must not be converted to a self-issuing “free social program,” something unavailable to the citizens of the United States. Therefore, we are spending 4.6 billion dollars to house and care for “criminals” while our Veterans and other United States citizens are sleeping in the streets of our major cities. Furthermore, the United States keeps giving foreign countries, many of which despise the United States, billions of dollars in aid so they can provide for their citizens and rebuild their infrastructures. In 2017 the United States gave approximately 50.1 billion dollars in foreign aid while almost two years later our citizens, our Veterans are still sleeping in the streets, without food, without medical care, and without hope. Our airports are backed up like rush hour traffic in any major city, our railroads on the verge of collapse, our highways in state of deterioration, our bridges are collapsing, and our dams are breaking apart.
We need to care for the citizens of the United States before we care for the citizens of foreign countries. We need to rebuild the infrastructure of the United States before we rebuild the infrastructure of foreign countries. We need to control the money allocated for foreign aid to ensure it is used for the purposes intended, not to build the bank accounts of that country’s leaders. We should monitor and approve its use and issue the funds in accordance with the work performed., rather than just dropping off cargo containers of cash. We need to keep our allies close and our enemies closer; a concept the news media has difficulty understanding. It cost nothing to extend a hand in friendship to a vicious dog, maybe it will be bitten or maybe it will be accepted, and that vicious dog become our protector.
Essential to our domestic wellbeing are the heroic efforts of our Republic’s first responders. They place their lives on the line every day to protect and save not only our lives, but our personal property. Unlike any other group of individuals they band together in the face of danger and in cases of a national emergency, cross their geographical boundaries, and freely without reservation, without demand for compensation, provide their expertise to assist strangers in their time of need, their time of peril. It is time their unselfish and heroic efforts are formally recognized by something more tangible than a letter of appreciation. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
Place first responders in a separate and special income tax bracket for all monies earned for their services as a first responder for any governmental entity authorized to employ same.
That income tax bracket will provide for the first $20,800.00 of earned income to be free from income taxation; thereafter, all other income earned pursuant to their employment as a first responder of a governmental entity authorized to employ same shall be taxed at the rate of 10%.
In the regrettable event that any first responder in the line of duty is fatally injured, or injured and certified to be 100 percent permanently disabled, the governmental entity in which they are employed, their State in which they are employed, and the Federal Government shall share the cost to have them fully vested in their pension plans, as though they have successfully completed twenty years of honorable service.
Convince charitable organizations that provide relief to “Gold Star Families,” shall consider all first responders who have suffered a fatal injury in the line of duty, and their immediate family members as Gold Star Families too, entitled to the same charitable relief offered to families of our distinguished and heroic veterans.
Essential to our domestic wellbeing and economy is a livable income. Although a minimum wage of $15.00 an hour is a good start, it may close small businesses and cause the unemployment of those business’s employees, compounding their problems rather than curing them. Rather than the small business and business as a whole incurring this “livable wage” burden, I believe there is a governmental cure that in the overall scheme of things is practical, reasonable and doable. Likewise, the same applies to ensuring Social Security is adequately funded both now and for all generations in the future. Finally, there must be minimum equal pay for any given employment position and associated job duties; minimum equal pay being for the employees doing the minimum job performance for that position. At the employer’s discretion they may provide motivated employees a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual bonus for all work done above and beyond what is expected for that position without fear of civil liability for not compensating those other employees for doing the minimum job performance in order to retain their positions. All employment positions shall receive an annual cost of living adjustment equal to the geographical area in which that employee is employed. Accordingly, here are my suggestions:
In place of the current $12,200.00 being income tax free, provide for the first $20,800.00 of earned income to be free from taxation. This increase in tax free income will provide today’s employee making $10.00 per hour to have the spending power of $14.13 per hour. A little less than today’s political Presidential Candidate’s “sound bite” of $15.00 per hour, but it is a practical, reasonable and doable solution without jeopardizing anyone’s business or job. Hopefully, the employer will be able to kick in a dollar or two so the average worker is now living on a 16 – 17 dollar per hour income. This loss of federal income will be made up on the high end of the tax bracket, by the individuals and corporations that can afford it.
For individual’s here in Florida, I am in communication with Publix and Winn-Dixie to see if they are willing to give a discount, 2%, 5%, 10% to all individuals who purchase their food from those stores with the EBT Card (food stamps). Although not much, it will give you that much more spending power.
Our Social Security funds are in jeopardy because only the lower and lower middle class income tax brackets are funding the program. Social Security taxation stops at $132,900.00. Individuals who earn above this amount, individuals more capable of paying this tax without undue hardship escape taxation. I do not believe this is right or just. Accordingly, I will lobby for a Bill to tax all earned income, no matter the amount, with the current Social Security taxation amount.
Equal Pay. All distinct and same employment positions and associated job duties within a business will receive the same pay. A minimum equal pay being for the employees doing the minimum job performance for that position, regardless of gender, race, religion, etc. At the employer’s discretion they may provide motivated employees a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual bonus for all work done above and beyond what is expected for that position without fear of civil liability for not compensating those employees doing the minimum job performance in order to retain their position. All employment position shall receive an annual cost of living adjustment, that adjustment equal to the cost of living for the geographical area in which that employee is employed.